No matter how much attention you pay to your skin, it can always benefit from the care of a skilled and experienced professional. An aesthetician in Norfolk, VA, will be your best friend when it comes to getting the skin of your dreams. The reasons why will be revealed in this post from the team at Medical Aesthetics of Virginia. An aesthetician has access to a wide range of treatments that can be used to help renew your appearance. This includes skin peels, masks, and creams. A chemical peel, for example, uses a specially formulated solution to remove damaged skin cells allowing new healthy cells to take their place. Because the face has many pressure points and muscles, a facial massage is ideal for releasing tension and keeping a healthy glow in your skin. Each day our skin is exposed to and attacked by pollution in the air and the harmful effects of the environment. Rather than staying inside permanently, the more practical option is relying on your aesthetician to detoxify and refresh your skin. Your skincare partner will use products such as anti-oxidant creams and oils to open pores and remove dead skin cells, providing a more youthful and healthy glow.